Beware, this page is work in progress.


First make sure you have Eerie installed, if not, the check out the introductory page.

If you don't want Eerie to touch your shell's start up script, just don't pass path to it when running, you will get a short instructions which environment varables need to be set and to which values.

Now try running eerie command, if it complains about no given tasks it - don't worry, we'll give it a headache soon!


Before we dive into eerie command, we should understand how Eerie actually works.

Just like Rip, virtualenv and Boid, Eerie uses the concept of multiple environments which can keep completely different packages (including different versions). You can for example create a new environment for every application you have together with its dependencies.

To change environment within your application you can use this:
Eerie Env named("superSecretApp") use

An active environment is the one which is used by default from Io code and whose executable files you can run from command line. During the install Eerie creates two environments _base and default. The _base environment will be loaded always as it contains Eerie itself (with its dependencies). Installing packages into _base environment should be considered dangerous as it was reported that it steals muffins.

Due to the fact that Eerie has its own environment, it's the only package which can't have multiple versions installed. (Actually you can even do that, but the version installed in _base environment will be always loaded first, unless you edit ~/.iorc, of course.)

The other environment created during install, default, on the other hand, can be freely tampered with.

Now when we have absorbed basic concepts we shall dive into the actual command itself.

Command line tool

As we noted before, during the install Eerie made a small change to your bash script - you can now call command-line tools written in Io with ease. Eerie, logically, installs the eerie command with which you can install new packages, manipulate environments and make sandwiches for dinner.

Now let us begin with this simple command:

$ eerie -T
$ ...

As you can see, there's nothing revolutionary going on, it just prints all the commands it knows together with their short descriptions. Now we shall create an environment in which we will develop our next super-cool web app. To do that, we'll need:

  1. New environment,
  2. Super awesome web framework,
  3. Io templating support,
  4. Secret ingredients which will make our web app even more awesome.

$ eerie env:create webapp
$ eerie env:activate webapp
$ eerie install git://
$ eerie install git://
$ generys create super-secret-app/